The work of engineers forms the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications to human and business needs and quality of life.

I’m a student of engineering, aiming to eventually work in the aerospace industry in some shape or form. Currently in my second year bachelor, I aim to eventually do a masters in aerospace. With a fascination for aircraft and rockets, this site documents some of my life as a student.

During the first week I've learnt that the pitfalls of CFD are many, and that I'm a complete amateur at
I recently did some calculations for the mass flow through a swirl injector. This is for the rocket engine we're
What happens when three aerospace chapter students need to spend the weekend? Obviously aerodynamics must be involved...
I've been spending the whole of last weekend "observing" the work for AESIR in the workshop. Technically I'm not allowed
Finally exam period is over and we're back to normal studies. Well, not actually. This last week has been quite
Recently been trying to figure out how swirl injectors for ethanol would work. This is a part of the rocket